Grand Theft Auto V

I’m not sure if Rockstar loves or hates gamers like me.  On the one hand they have produced games that have kept me entertained for years.  On the other hand, they release teasers sometimes a year or so ahead of the game release.

I remember when I first heard about Grand Theft Auto IV (GTAIV), and saw the first teaser, I spent a lot of time after that obsessively scanning the web for anything related to the game – even though I knew it was far too many months off.

And with Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV) it’s a case of “here we go again”.  They’ve only just released the trailer and already I’m scouring the web for any new detail, anything that might help take the edge off until I actually have the game in my hot little paws.

Hi, my name is Lisa, and I’m a Grand Theft Auto Addict.


About Lisa

A Geeky Gamergrrl who obsesses about the strangest things.
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